Equestrian NSW is calling for nominations for our Coaching NSW Committee. Three positions are available, for terms of two years. Nominees must be a current member of Equestrian NSW and a registered Equestrian Australia coach.
Rob Stewart is standing down and not re-nominating, having made a massive contribution over three years as the Coaching NSW Committee Chair and Chair of the Equestrian Australia Coaching Committee. We thank him for his determined dedication and resilience through a period of uncertainty and change. Brett Parbery, Megan Joerg, Sally-Ann Barbera and Sandy Lucas will continue to serve on the Committee for another year.
The Equestrian NSW Board is keen for the Coaching NSW Committee to include a representative cross section of levels, disciplines and regions (Sydney and country).
Nominations are to be received by the Equestrian NSW CEO by 5:00pm on Monday 10 May 21.
Voting for the three available positions on the Committee, by only registered NSW coaches, will be conducted through Survey Monkey from 12-19 May 21.
Please click on the links below for the Nomination Form, Resume Template, Position Description and Terms of Reference. If you need further details, please email Bruce Farrar at [email protected] or call 9620 2660.
Coaching NSW Committee Nomination form
Coaching NSW Committee Nominee Resume Template