The NSW Government Public Health Order, effective 1 July 2020: https://gazette.legislation.nsw.gov.au/so/download.w3p?id=Gazette_2020_2020-139.pdf requires community sporting activities to have no more than 500 participants, including competitors, officials and spectators.
Also, organisers must have and ensure compliance with a COVID-19 Safety Plan, that addresses the matters referenced by the Chief Health Officer: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/industry-guidelines/sports-recreation-and-gyms#checklist-of-matters-to-be-addressed-in-your-covid-19-safety-plan.
Equestrian NSW has COVID-19 safety kits, including signage, hand sanitizer, gloves, Safety Officer caps, Declaration Forms and pens. These are available free of charge from the Equestrian NSW office, to affiliated clubs event organising committees. Postage can be arranged.
If you need more details, please contact the Equestrian NSW office at [email protected] or 9620 2660.
BRUCE FARRAR – Chief Executive Officer